Call for papers

Participants have the opportunity to present a paper, a poster or organize thematic sessions on the topics of the seminar.

Important dates:

July 15, 2022

June 30, 2022

Submission deadline of extended abstract (max. 1000 words divided into the following sections: a) problem and relevance; b) material & methods; c) results; d) implications)

July 15, 2022

June 30, 2022

Submission of proposal to organize thematic sessions (max. 3 pages)

July 22, 2022

July 15, 2022

Notification of acceptance of abstract

July 22, 2022

July 15, 2022

Notification of acceptance of thematic sessions

August 25, 2022

August 20, 2022

Submission deadline of poster abstracts (max. 1 page)

September 20, 2022

Deadline for submission of full papers for publication (4000-8000 words)

All submitted papers/abstracts should follow the following rules:

  • Texts should be written in Microsoft Word (2003 or higher), font Times New Roman, size 12 points
  • Margins 3.0 cm left, 2.5 cm top, bottom and right
  • Do not use page numbering
  • Use single line spacing and justified alignment
  • Paper title, authors and subtitles should have left alignment
  • Titles should be written in bold lowercase letters, font size 14 point
  • Authors (first and last names) size 12 point, addresses size 11 point italic
  • Subtitles lowercase, bold, size 12 point
  • Use only blank lines for line spacing (size 12 point): before subtitles, between title and list of authors, between author names and addresses, before table headings and after tables
  • The beginning of a paragraph in the text should not be indented with the tabulator; paragraphs should be separated with the enter key
  • In list of references in the paper use hanging indent by 0.5 cm

Information for extended abstract:

Participants who would like to present a paper are requested to register and upload an extended abstract (1000 words) in English by June 30, 2022.

The abstract should include:

  • Problem and relevance
  • Material & methods
  • Results
  • Implications

Information for poster presenters:

Recommended size of poster: Width 0.90 m, height 1.20 m. We also recommend using one complete sheet instead of several small sheets. At the top of the poster you should indicate the title, the name(s) of the author(s) and the affiliation (organization, city, country). We recommend that the title of the poster is at least 2.5 cm high. The lettering for the author information (name and affiliation) can be smaller (1.25 cm).

The deadline for submission of poster abstracts (1 page) is 20 August 2022.

The full paper guidelines:

The maximum length of the paper, including text, tables, graphs and figures, is 4000-8000 words.
In general, all papers should be divided into the following sections:

TITLE: should be as short as possible, informative, written in small letters, bold, font 14. The first and last names of the authors are written without the title. If not all authors are from the same institution, this should be indicated by superscript letters. For the contact person only, the e-mail address should be added to the full address.

ABSTRACT: abstracts contain the aim of the paper, the main research findings and a brief conclusion. Authors are advised to keep their abstracts short (700 characters, including spaces). No more than five keywords should be included, separated by commas.

INTRODUCTION: gives an idea and the aim of the research conducted. A very selective overview of the literature can also be given here.

METHODOLOGY: must contain sufficient data to allow other researchers to repeat the experiments without additional information. For known methods and research techniques, give the authors and references.

RESULTS AND DISSCUSION: Established facts and regularities are described, phenomena are explained, while established hypotheses are confirmed or denied. The significance of one’s own research should be substantiated by comparisons with the work of other authors. Care should be taken to avoid repetition of data in tables, graphs and in the text.

CONCLUSION: contains a synthesis of the research and results. Pay attention to the graduation of the presentation when writing.

REFERENCES: references should be listed alphabetically by placing the ordinal number before the first author, complete data are required (authors, year, name of reference, publisher, place of editing, pages).

Tables (table width from left to right margin), diagrams and photos (black and white, with high resolution) must be integrated into the text. Table numbers and titles should be written above the tables. Table contents should be separated by a minimum of horizontal lines (0.5 points). Figures and diagrams are also numbered, with the numbers written below the diagrams.

Deadline for full submissions for publication is 20 September 2022. Submissions must be sent by email to the Editorial Board (to

Presentation/poster upload

Submissions are closed.